Toolbox - Report of Findings
Welcome to the Report of Findings Main Page!
Here, you’ll find a comprehensive library of condition-specific reports to share with your patients.
Our goal is to empower you with detailed, easy-to-understand Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) insights that help educate patients about their unique health patterns and treatment options.
Quick Guide to Using Reports of Findings:
1. Search for a Condition: Browse through our extensive list or use the search function to locate specific conditions that align with your patients’ needs.
2. Select the Condition: Each condition is organized by specific TCM patterns, with tailored recommendations for treatment strategies, diet, lifestyle adjustments, and acupressure points.
3. Download and Personalize: Once you’ve selected a condition, download the report and customize it with any additional patient-specific insights or recommendations.
4. Share with Your Patients: Use these reports in consultations, hand them out as educational materials, or include them in follow-up emails to enhance patient understanding and engagement.
If you’re looking for a condition that isn’t currently available, please feel free to reach out and let us know. We welcome your suggestions!
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