Newsletter – Three Acupuncture Points To Reduce Stress
Newsletter Three Acupuncture Points To Reduce Stress The dictionary defines stress in multiple ways, but there is only one that matters when we discuss how
Newsletter Three Acupuncture Points To Reduce Stress The dictionary defines stress in multiple ways, but there is only one that matters when we discuss how
Newsletter How Stress Physically Affects Your Body Stress. It’s not a word that makes most of us feel elated or excited. However, stress, by design,
Newsletter Using Acupuncture to Treat Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Acupuncture treatments for PTSD focus on specific auricular points on the body. These points are responsible for
Video Acupuncture and Anxiety/Stress This is a great video to share how acupuncture can help with anxiety and stress. The files are large and may
Presentation Acupuncture and Stress Reduction This is PowerPoint is perfect to educate your patients and prospects about the top acupressure points to help reduce stress
Newsletter Ways to Combat PTSD Naturally PTSD is a physiological disorder that can result from being exposed to a traumatic event. The disorder results in
Newsletter The Heart According to TCM, Acupuncture & Stress In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the heart can be considered the most important organ in the body.
Research Update College Stress and Acupuncture Prior to the study beginning, each participant answered The sham acupuncture group reportedly showed a questions in the Cohen’s
Research Update Acupuncture Treatment for Stressed College-Goers Arizona State University conducted a study on the effects of stress on college students and staff in a
Research Update Acupuncture Relieves PTSD Symptoms After Natural Disaster In April 2019, a team of Italian researchers published a study in Medical Acupuncture that suggests